Is "leaking" when you sneeze something you have to accept?

Should women just accept "leaking" now and then?

Should women buy into ads that tell them the answer is a discreet pad?


Here’s a great breakdown of myth vs. fact courtesy of the experts at MUTU System™:

Pelvic Floor Fact #1 – Wetting yourself (a little or a lot) is NEVER NORMAL
If you pee yourself (even a tiny bit) when you workout, laugh, sneeze or cough, you shouldn’t be putting up with it. Just because something happens a lot (and to other people too) does not make it okay. If you bury your head in the sand, ignore it and don’t address these symptoms, it could lead to more serious pelvic health issues, such as pelvic organ prolapse. 

Pelvic Floor Fact #2 – You do not have to accept pain or discomfort during sex
Let’s get one thing straight, pain free sex is the very least you should expect when you get down to it. If you experience any pain, this is NOT okay and you should seek the advice of a qualified Women’s Health Physical Therapist.

Pelvic Floor Fact #3 – An incontinence pad isn’t the answer for a healthy adult woman
We’ve all seen the ad with the young woman bouncing on a trampoline and giggling about her “oops moment”, or the gorgeous, silver haired woman in her 50s, smiling, laughing and running whilst peeing herself, but it’s okay because she’s got her stash of ‘discreet’ incontinence pads! The women portrayed in these ads are getting younger and younger. We’re conditioned by advertising to believe that we’ll inevitably leak as we age and after pregnancy. Not true and it really doesn’t have to be the case.

Pelvic Floor Fact #4 – Kegels aren’t always enough
Whilst Kegels or traditional pelvic floor squeezes are a foundational starting point, they are often not done correctly and they may simply not be enough. There is a vital relaxation phase often missing, along with proper postural and alignment changes to ensure your pelvic floor is functioning in the best way it can.

Pelvic Floor Fact #5 – Certain exercises can make things worse
High impact exercise or physical exertion like running, jumping, weightlifting, skipping or sit ups are not suitable for women with pelvic floor issues. The impact on an already weak pelvic floor can cause further damage. If any of these are exacerbating your problem, back up and focus on rebuilding strength first, so that you can return to the exercise you love, symptom free.

Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

  1. Focus on your alignment. Postural alignment is very much connected to pelvic floor tone. 

  2. Focus on rebuilding strength in your pelvic floor with safe exercises to help you to find and work those muscles properly.

  3. Check out the 12 week MUTU System program with workouts starting from just 12 minutes a day.

  4. Don’t bury your head and hope it goes away. Now is the time to take control of your recovery. No amount of intensive exercise will fix things.

  5. Join a MUTU Core & Pelvic Floor Class with Stasia, a Certified MUTU Pro at Pain Free Clinic of Denver or Goodson Rec Center.