Pain Free Clinic of Denver

Is Shoveling Snow a Pain or a Great Workout?

Hurt your back shoveling?

For some yes & others no. The key to staying pain free is the posture, alignment and breathing you use during the work.

I created this short video that quickly explains how to shovel with correct and safe posture alongside. Check it out!

Protecting your back is more than just bending your knees and using your legs to lift things. The way we sit, stand and move is important in terms of protecting our spine for as long as we want to be able to live and move comfortably.

PS - Here’s a download with four exercises that help realign your body after shoveling…but, you can also do these before so you go into the work with better alignment!

How often do you hear about someone who threw their back out shoveling? This happens for a number of reasons with misalignment and muscle dysfunction/compensation at the top of the list. If your hips are tucked under and your spine is in flexion (like the guy in the video), even if you bend your knees, your back is in danger because you are putting a ton of pressure on your spine. However, if you hinge your hips (check out our hip hinge article) + bend your knees + exhale as you lift, you protect your spine. In a proper hip hinge position your glutes are working and with proper breathing your core is working.

Back pain isn’t caused by shoveling, back pain is caused by years of improper loading.

The great news is that even years of poor posture and alignment can be changed. Just ask Anne, my 88 year old client who wasn’t able to get up and down off the floor at 88 but now in her 90’s can!

As a certified Egoscue Affiliate + a Foundation Training Instructor and a Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist I was able to teach her corrective exercises designed to improve posture, get her muscles moving and firing correctly resulting in her ability to get up and down off the floor + move better and feel better!

Need help now? Here are three things you can do now to start healing and feeling better:

Pain Myth #1

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Myth #1:

Treat the symptom by doing exercises focused on where you feel the pain. 

Myth Buster:
Find & treat the root issue

Determine the root cause of the pain and treat it rather than the symptom. Mike's Story (seen below) will explain exactly what I mean. We worked on head and shoulder alignment in order to alleviate low back and leg pain. 

At Pain Free Clinic of Denver we find and treat the root of your pain rather than focusing on your symptom.  We find the root contributors during a postural evaluation where we ask questions about your pain, take photos and do some functional testing.

Mike's Story

Mike came in to see me because of searing back pain, sciatic pain down his leg and drop foot...his left foot dragged when he walked. We took some photos, did a few functional tests and found that his root issue was a forward head and rounded shoulders. We followed up with a number of one on one sessions to get his head and shoulders into a better position and his back pain has greatly dissipated and his foot doesn't drag! 

Moral of the story: find the root + treat the root = feel better!

Book your postural evaluation today!

Love these shoes!

  • My feet love these shoes

  • My knees love these shoes

  • My hips love these shoes

  • I walk with better function

  • I run with better form and function & my hip doesn’t hurt after running

Seriously?!? Yes.

Xero Shoes are my new favorite shoes and the science behind the shoes makes a TON of sense. I had the opportunity to talk with Steven Sashen, Xero Shoe Founder & CEO a week ago and learned a lot about why they created these shoes and why they help your whole body move better and feel better.

We were created with feet that are made to work and function in such a way that they help the body stand and move correctly. We don’t need extra cushioning, we don’t need extra support…we need the muscles of our feet to get strong doing the work they were created to do. Steven explained how our feet get weak and less functional when we wear orthotics, motion control shoes and the like. He shared some cool testimonials about people with plantar fasciitis and parkinson’s who had great results going barefoot and wearing Xero shoes and sandals.

I got a pair of shoes and I’m not kidding when I say these are the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn. I’ve been telling everyone for the past week that they should try these out.

I teach corrective exercise as an Egoscue Certified Practitioner, a Foundation Training Instructor and a MUTU Pro™ and I have a series of exercises I do to maintain good alignment and avoid hip pain and I truly believe that you have to change muscle memory through corrective exercise in order to truly maintain alignment and avoid pain & injury. Wearing Xero shoes has really helped strengthen my foot + force me to use my glutes and mastering

Here’s a link to check these shoes out, you won’t be sorry!

Here’s another link for anyone who wants a free postural evaluation…this is only good if (1) you click the link and sign up before Friday May 24th (2) set your evaluation up anytime before June 30th!

4th Trimester?

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  • What is the “Fourth Trimester”?

  • Should you jump right back into high intensity fitness after pregnancy?

  • Does your body give you signs? Warnings?

  • Are there common but not normal postpartum issues that often get brushed under the rug?

  • Can your body heal?

These are great questions to consider during and after pregnancy. Thankfully core & pelvic floor health for women is finally becoming recognized as an important part of the postpartum healing process. I’ve seen more articles and found more studies on this subject than ever before. Women from my mom’s generation didn’t have the amazing resources we have today to help heal, rather than “bandage” issues including diastasis recti (split ab’s) and incontinence or prolapse.

The “Fourth Trimester”

Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan, a Fort Collins-based freelance writer recently wrote an amazing article in the January 5280 Magazines Health Edition on postpartum issues experience by many women. I am quoting some of her article titled “What I Wish I’d Known About the “Fourth Trimester” below, but I highly recommend reading it in its entirety.

Elisabeth quotes Dr. Julie Scott, a clinical associate professor of maternal fetal medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine; “We’ve thought of pregnancy as three trimesters and focused all our care on getting mom safely through pregnancy with a healthy newborn. [Now] they’ve realized that a lot of problems occur during the postpartum period.” ACOG (The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists) issued guidelines this past May [2018] recommending more thorough care during what is now called the “fourth trimester” or three months that follow the delivery of a baby.”

Common Myth’s About Diastasis, Prolapse & Incontinence

  1. These issues are normal so just accept it or have surgery:

    1. A friend who had twins in 2014 was told by her OBGYN that “diastasis is normal effect of pregnancy and you can either accept it or have surgery…call me in 2 years if you still feel uncomfortable with it.” She hated the way it looked and the way it felt, she had lots of back pain, she couldn’t run…and yet she was told to simply accept it as a normal way of life after pregnancy. How many women are told this today?

    2. Another pregnant friend just told me that she heard that anyone with diastasis recti had to have major surgery and she was scared. NOT TRUE, thousands of women have healed their diastasis split with simple corrective exercise…NOT SURGERY!

    3. My sister was recently talking with a nurse and telling the her how most of the women taking my MUTU System™ Core & Pelvic Floor class at Goodson Rec Center had eliminated incontinence issues when they sneezed, coughed, run or jumped. The nurse said “that’s not really possible'“. Huh? Not only is it possible, but it is proven! You don’t have to leak every time you laugh too hard or sneeze. The body was created to help heal itself and with simple exercises & corrective breathing you CAN STRENGTHEN AND HEAL YOUR PELVIC FLOOR!

      1. 94% of mom’s participating in MUTU System with diastasis recti reported an improvement after using MUTU System.

      2. 92% of women who had experienced bladder symptoms including urinary incontinence reported an improvement after using MUTU System.

  2. The sooner you get back into exercise the sooner you get your pre-baby body back

    1. In her article, Elisabeth said “I expected childbirth to change my body. What I didn’t expect was how long it would take, and how hard it would be, to get back to normal.” She is saying two important things:

      1. Healing takes time, be patient. After running just 7 weeks after a difficult birth resulting in a C-Section she said “In hindsight, running that soon was a terrible idea…”

      2. The body can heal, regain functional movement & eliminate pain with good alignment + correct breathing + corrective exercise

    2. Getting right back into running, sit-ups, crunches, planks and more can actually make things worse. You need to take the time to heal the body before jumping into these things. MUTU System™ is a proven, medically endorsed online program you can do in the comfort of you home that has helped over 50,000 women heal diastasis & pelvic pain + incontinence.

Common but Not Normal Postpartum Issues

  1. Diastasis recti - Experienced by 2/3rds of women after their 2nd pregnancy

    1. It’s Never Too Late to Heal Diastasis Recti

  2. Painful sex - Experienced by 21 - 36% of women after pregnancy

  3. Urinary Incontinence: more than 13 million Americans suffer

    1. Twice as common in women

    2. 42% of women have had it 4-6 years without seeking help

    3. 25% have had it for over 16 years without seeking help

    4. 41% of female athletes are affected

    5. Frequency of incontinence increases with each pregnancy

  4. Fecal/gas incontinence

Facts - Healing Diastasis + Pelvic Floor Issues

Most women with diastasis or incontinence have no idea the issues can be remedied though corrective breathing and exercises.

The body needs these three things to begin & sustain a successful healing process:

  1. Correct diaphragmatic (not belly) breathing: Sarah Duvall, a PT with a focus on postpartum health says, “Most of the women I’ve seen post-prolapse repair do not have good breathing habits. They are usually in a shallow breathing pattern and will often hold their breath when they do anything hard. Ok, so this is another no-brainer, we need to get women breathing. But if we take it one step further, we need to make sure they have that great 360 breath so we get some back expansion. “

  2. Proper alignment from head to toe: Misalignments (forward head, rounded shoulders, tucked pelvis) in the body cause compensation, shallow breathing, weakness & STRESS! Sarah Duvall also says, “Poor alignment can keep both diastasis and pelvic floor issues from fully resolving. Basically, almost all poor alignment patterns usually lead to shallow breathing or too much belly breathing. A shallow breathing pattern leads to an increase in the flight or fight nervous system response. Poor alignment literally stresses us out!” MUTU System’s online program has a huge focus on alignment and breathing which is why it is so successful.

  3. Corrective Exercise: You must regularly do corrective exercises in order to fix your misalignments & improve you breathing patterns in order to heal diastasis recti & pelvic floor issues. Just thinking about “good posture” isn’t enough, your body needs new muscle memory and strength in order to sit, stand, move correctly AND to create proper breathing which isn’t possible with misalignment. Pain Free Clinic of Denver’s alignment program utilizes three amazing methodologies (MUTU System, Foundation Training & Postural Therapy/ Egoscue exercises), to help men and women reduce or eliminate pain & heal diastasis recti & pelvic floor issues.

Be encouraged! Healing can happen without surgery. Regardless of your age you don’t have to accept these issues. Take action today to get aligned, breath correctly and heal diastasis recti, incontinence, back pain and more! See Stasia for a postural evaluation on one-on-one one basis to find the root problem and learn corrective exercises designed for your individual compensation patterns , buy MUTU System, join a MUTU Core & Pelvic Floor class at Goodson Recreation Center.

Back Pain? Read about Hip Hinging & Fig Leaves!

How do you bend?  How do you stand? The way you do these things plays a huge role in the short term and long term health of your back and your hips.

Hip Hinge & Cashew Back & Fig Leaf.jpg

Hip Hinge vs. Cashew Back

Looking at the two women in the photo above I can tell you that the one on the right will have back pain because she is using her back to do the work. Whereas the woman on the left has hinged her hips and as you can see, has a long, straight back which is supported by her gluteal and leg muscles. 

In partnership with South Suburban Rec Centers I offer 8 classes based on 3 different modalities, ALL OF WHICH TEACH YOU HOW TO PROPERLY HIP HINGE so that  you can learn to protect your back!

This blog post is a follow up on a great article from NPR talking about back pain and why some people have it and others don't:  Lost Art Of Bending Over: How Other Cultures Spare Their Spines.

I've been sharing a great quote from Katie Bowman for years: "When in doubt stick your butt out!"...just another way of teaching the hip hinging technique which is promoted by anyone who understands alignment and back pain. 

I teach hip hinging in all of my classes with a major hip hinging focus in my Foundation Training class. Eric Goodman, the founder of Foundation Training teaches hip hinging as one of the major components of alleviating back pain, strengthening the muscles supporting the back, creating functional hip movement and decompressing the spine. 

COME LEARN proper hip hinging in any of my classes:

Foundation Training
Functional Motion
MUTU Core & Pelvic Floor

New classes begin April 4th...Click on any of the links above for details on each class

Here the spine is flexing forward in order to pick something up. This motion is very hard on the back because the back is trying to do much of the work. Ouch!

Here the spine is flexing forward in order to pick something up. This motion is very hard on the back because the back is trying to do much of the work. 

Here, my hips are hinged and pulled back creating a long + strong back position. This motion is healthy for the back as the gluteal muscles and hamstrings are supporting the bend.HIP HINGING IS IMPORTANT!

Here, my hips are hinged and pulled back creating a long + strong back position. This motion is healthy for the back as the gluteal muscles and hamstrings are supporting the bend.


Take Action

  • Sign up for an alignment assessment
  • Sign up for a group class or a one on one program
    • Learn how to be able to get up and down from a chair or the floor for many years to come
    • Learn how to pick things up 
    • Learn how to garden without so much pain 

Forward this email to a friend who would benefit!

Contact Stasia today to set up a time for a postural assessment or to get more info on individual & group training.