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Arm pain, numbness or tingling?

I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in over 45 years yesterday (yes, that dates me 😏)…when I shared that I teach posture therapy for a living she asked "can it help pain, numbness and tingling in my arm?“. My answer was yes! I’ve helped multiple clients reduce and even completely get rid of this referral pain by helping them change their posture through corrective exercise.

Tingling and numbness in your arm(s) typically is the result of compression in your cervical spine. This compression is often a result of years of forward head posture and rounded shoulders and that posture is often the result of many years sitting at a desk. Can it be fixed after so many years? Well, it can definitely be helped. I’ve helped clients in their 80’s change their posture and feel better so, as a Dove Chocolate wrapper quote read “it’s never too late and you’re never too old”!

The best way to determine which postural imbalances are causing your pain is to come in to Pain Free Clinic of Denver for a postural evaluation. Click here to schedule your postural evaluation now.

I created a video with two of my favorite exercises designed to help restore proper head and shoulder position thereby giving relief to a myriad of aches, pains and tightness including tingling in hands and arms. Please be aware that these exercises are not medical advice, so if you’ve been told not to do these types of exercises then you’ll want to skip it altogether.

I recently took a client who had neck pain and nerve sensations in her arm through these two exercises and after doing them twice through she said, “I’ve been seeing a PT for 2 months and while I got a bit of relief, I couldn’t get rid of the nerve pain and now it’s gone. How did you do that?!?”

I didn’t do it, she did. She did two exercises that changed the position of her head and shoulders and found immediate relief.

Ready to give it a try? If so, contact me at info

Stuck at Home? Lets relax your back, body and mind.

Stuck at home with back pain? Here's a 3 exercise video that will help! My clients say these are some of their favorite exercises: static back + diaphragmati...

My back was sore this morning, shoveling all that snow yesterday was like a full body workout! It was heavy. On top of that the massive life change we’re all going through can weigh heavy at times. For me personally I am finding my solace in trusting the Lord and seeking truth in His word…truth like 2 Timothy 1:7 “for God has not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.” … or Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding and in all your ways He will make your paths straight.”

Exercise also helps me relax and one of my favorite exercises to help with low back pain, hip pain, neck pain, shoulder pain is Static Back with a few additions so I thought I’d share it with you. Watch this video & give it a try tonight and let me know what you think.